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Hand-picked remote jobs at US-based companies

Delivered to you via our Telegram bot
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How Aldo Bot works


Customize Your Profile

To kickstart your job search, simply sign up and tailor your preferences. Choose your preferred location, your desired employment format, your area of expertise, and your ideal salary range. Aldo Bot personalizes your search according to these specific parameters
An image that displays how prefer employment format looks like in Telegram Bot interface
An image that displays how selecting professions looks like

Stay Updated with Relevant Job Opportunities

No more wading through irrelevant job postings. Aldo Bot meticulously sifts through countless openings to bring you the ones that align with your career goals. By keeping track of these pertinent opportunities, you'll stay organized, focused, and ready to seize your next big break

Effortless Application Process

With Aldo Bot, applying for jobs is just a click away. Whether you choose to apply through our bot or a third-party service, Aldo Bot maintains a log of the positions you have applied to, preventing repetition and ensuring transparency
An image that displays how job descriptions looks like when posted on telegram bot

Aldo Bot Features

With our real-time alert feature, you'll be the first to know about new job openings that meet your preferences.
Should you want to take a break or if you've found your dream job, our flexible pause feature allows you to suspend the bot's services at any time.

Find your perfect match with

Partner - Walmart
Parter - IMAX
Parter - Siberia
Partner - Waldo Photos
Partner - Kroger
Partner - Page
Partner - DELL
Partner - HeraMed
And many other great companies

Start Aldo Bot now

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